Highest Grading to S M Sehgal Foundation by CRISIL
We are pleased to announce that CRISIL has granted S M Sehgal Foundation a 1A rating, signifying "Very Strong Delivery Capability and Financial Proficiency.”
The foundation team has upheld solid technical competence, effective financial management, and active research, ensuring complete transparency with its donors and remains committed to upholding this esteemed recognition.
Best CSR Initiative 2023 to Krishi Jyoti Project
Krishi Jyoti, a joint initiative of S M Sehgal
Foundation and The Mosaic Company, received the India CSR & Sustainability
Award 2023 in the Best Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Initiative. Read more . . .
BWDisrupt Social Impact Award to Ms. Anjali Makhija
Ms. Anjali Makhija, CEO and trustee, S
M Sehgal Foundation, was given the 2023 BW Social Impact Award. Ms. Anjali
Makhija has worked for rural communities for over twenty years at S M Sehgal
Foundation. Read more . . .
Bhamashah Award to Transform Lives one school at a time
In a continuous six-time streak, Transform Lives, one
school at a time, received the Bhamashah Award in the category of Shiksha
Vibhushan by the Directorate of Education, Government of Rajasthan. Read more . . .
Small acts of generosity can create a lasting impact. Start today!
Sihri-Singalheri Panchayat, Punhana block in the Nuh
district of Haryana, had two dilapidated village meeting places. The people
were forced to hold community gatherings at their homes, which meant low
participation from women. By the end of 2022, the two unused village places were
upgraded into resource centers through S M Sehgal Foundation, creating a
stimulating environment for women and children. Read more . . .
Community Tank Handover to the Community: A ceremony with the Partner First American (India)
Relocation Launch of Community Radio to Ramgarh in Alwar
Alfaz-e-Mewat is now on air from Naugaon, Alwar,
Rajasthan. The SDM, Mr. Amit Kumar Verma, attended the relocation inauguration
event along with the dean of SKNAU College of Agriculture, Ms. Suman
Khandelwal; zonal director of Krishi Anusandhan Kendra, Dr. G L Choudhary; in charge
of KVK Naugaon, Dr. Subhash Yadav; joined by S M Sehgal Foundation trustee, Jay
Sehgal; CEO, Anjali Makhija; CFO, Ramesh Kapahi; and principal lead, Pooja O.
Murada. Read more . . .
Ms. Anjali Makhija Speaks at a Sustainability Conference
Ms. Anjali Makhija, trustee and CEO of S M Sehgal
Foundation, was an invited speaker at the 5th International Conference on
Sustainability Education, organized by Mobius Foundation and moderated by Water
Digest, on the theme “Educating for Climate Action and Sustainability.”
She shared her views on creating high-impact models
to manage water-efficient agricultural practices water-positive leaders. Read more . . .
National Nutrition Month Celebration at S M Sehgal Foundation
September is observed as the National
Nutrition Month in India. This year's theme, "Fuel for the Future,”
encourages people to make healthful choices and maintain their health
throughout their lives. S M Sehgal Foundation has
been celebrating National Nutrition Month across several states with awareness
campaigns and engagement games to sensitize people, especially women and
children, to the importance of a balanced diet. Read more . . .
Art of Effective Communication: a live show at All India Radio (AIR)
Sonia Chopra, program lead, Outreach for Development, S M Sehgal Foundation, shared valuable insights on "Developing Communication Skills" at All India Radio FM Rainbow, New Delhi. She shared essential skills to foster effective communication. Listen here.
Street Play on Sanitation Awareness
To help identify the gaps in development progress, S M Sehgal Foundation team at the Wawna village, Phulambri block in Aurangabad,
organized a sanitation Drive at the local level using street plays. Members of the
gram panchayat, the Women’s Leadership School (WLS), VDC, and youth groups
participated actively along with students from Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
Marathwada University. A group discussion focused on the importance of
sanitation, health, and hygiene with the use of a problem matrix, timeline
chart, social map, and a resource map of the village, in consultation with the
different groups of villagers.
Collaborations Empower Farmers
In Kolar, Karnataka, a curtain-raiser meeting and
orientation program convened for Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs). Key participants
included Mr. Shivanand Hongal, KVK head; Dr. Maheswarappa H.P., director of Research,
University of Horticultural Sciences; Ms. Shruchi Singh, senior program lead, S
M Sehgal Foundation; and sixty directors and CEOs from fifteen FPOs.
The event showcased Sehgal Foundation's dedication to
empowering FPOs through capacity building, technology demonstrations, and water
Training in Water and Research: Sehgal Foundation/CAWST
- A three-day training workshop, also in collaboration with Welm Foundation in Chandigarh, was conducted to empower and equip young individuals to embrace the JalKalp biosand filter technology and consider its potential as a path for their entrepreneurial ventures.
- A successfully completed four-day training program on Drinking Water Quality Testing (DWQT) at Gurugram, Haryana, focused on using portable test kits to assess the various physical, chemical, and biological parameters of water.
- Another four-day training workshop was held in Rabriyawas, Rajasthan, on Drinking Water Quality Testing for the Ambuja Cement Foundation water team.
EmpowerHER: Unveiling the Strength Within Women
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