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Dr. Suri Sehgal received the prestigious Dr. M S Swaminathan Award for Leadership in Agriculture.

(In Picture: Dr. Suri Sehgal, founder and CEO of S M Sehgal Foundation, attending the award ceremony virtually from the United States.)

We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Surinder (Suri) Sehgal, founder with his wife Edda of S M Sehgal Foundation (India) and Sehgal Foundation (USA), has been honored with the prestigious Dr. M S Swaminathan Award for Leadership in Agriculture for 2022.

The award is presented annually to a distinguished agricultural expert whose contributions toward enhancing food security and poverty alleviation have significantly impacted farmers and national agriculture.

Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS), a renowned Think Tank located at the Pusa Campus in New Delhi, instituted this award in 2004 in honor of Dr. M S Swaminathan, a stalwart of Indian agriculture.

Dr. Suri Sehgal's visionary leadership and relentless dedication have contributed immensely to the advancement of agriculture, food security, and rural development. This award is dedicated to his outstanding contributions and the transformative impact he has made on farmers and rural communities.

A documentary on the life of Dr. Sehgal was shown during the award ceremony. While Dr. Sehgal received the award and shared the award acceptance speech virtually, Ms. Anjali Makhija, CEO of S M Sehgal Foundation, received the award on behalf of Dr. Sehgal during the award ceremony held at NAAS, Pusa, hosted by the TAAS. Over 170 people attended the award function. Read More..

Stories of Change

Manohar Lal, a farmer from the Parsa Ka Bas village in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, has a family of seven members and is a member of the School Development and Monitoring Committee (SDMC). Inspired by the work of S M Sehgal Foundation, Manohar proposed constructing a new classroom for the children. He promptly took care of all the necessary formalities within the committee for approval. 

After the committee’s approval, he decided to initiate the construction of a classroom from his savings. Read more..

Small acts of generosity can create a lasting impact. Start today!

Bolstering Farmer Producer Organizations

S M Sehgal Foundation (Sehgal Foundation), with the support from Walmart Foundation, initiated Bolstering Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in the districts of Uttar Pradesh and Karnataka, with an intent to strengthen the FPOs in the region. The project trains and builds the capacities of these FPOs, including governance, financial management, and technology adoption.

Partnership Spotlight

Walmart Foundation-Flipkart Foundation Collaborate

(In Picture: Mr. Manohar Lal Khattar, CM, Haryana, with Rajneesh Kumar, chief corporate affairs officer, Flipkart,  and Mr. Nishant Gupta,  strategic liason, Walmart Foundation in India.)

S M Sehgal Foundation, in partnership with Walmart Foundation and Flipkart Foundation, announced the implementation of an integrated project to promote sustainable solutions for effective crop residue management and to build eco-consciousness among children and youth. The project is being implemented by Sehgal Foundation in the State of Haryana with philanthropic grant funding from the Walmart Foundation and Flipkart Foundation with the goal of reducing the pollution. Read more..

Driving Social Change with Mr. Gaurav Mehta, DCB Bank

(Mr. Gaurav Mehta, head of Marketing, Public Relations, & Corporate Communications, DCB Bank in conversation with Pooja Murada, principal lead, Outreach for Development, S M Sehgal Foundation.)

In another episode of SMSF CONNECT Podcast, Mr. Gaurav Mehta, head of Marketing, Public Relations, & Corporate Communications, DCB Bank, discusses advocating awareness initiatives to bring change through the ESG model. Under a CSR partnership with DCB Bank, an emerging new-generation, private sector bank, S M Sehgal Foundation has been working in water management and agriculture development. Listen to the episode here..

Month At  A Glance

Felicitation for Transform Lives, one school at a time

(In Picture: Sh. Bhanwar Jitender Singh, former cabinet minister, GoI, and Cabinet Minister Sh. Tika Ram Jully presenting the award.)

S M Sehgal Foundation was felicitated by Shri Bhanwar Jitender Singh, former cabinet minister, Government of India; and Shri Tika Ram Jully, cabinet minister, Government of Rajasthan, for the outstanding contribution to transforming the government schools in Alwar District, Rajasthan, under Transform Lives one school at a time program and the Krishi Jyoti project.

Provisions for the availability of water facilities, constructing separate toilets for boys and girls, and introducing digital libraries in rural areas of Alwar were much appreciated.

Champawat Annual General Meeting

(In Picture: Sh. R.S. Rawat, CDO, Champawat, addressing the crowd, with S M Sehgal Foundation team, Champawat.)

The Annual General Meeting of Champawat Monal Farmers' Producer Company, in partnership with HDFC Parivartan, was successfully conducted. Attendees at the event included Mr. R.S. Rawat, chief development officer; Ms. Vimmi Joshi, assistant project director cum district development officer; Mr. Surya Pratap Singh, assistant project director ATMA; Mr. Prem Kumar, branch manager of HDFC Bank; and Mr. Amit Pandey, branch manager of UBI. Rekha Devi, director of CMFPC, presented the Annual Report during the meeting. CMFPC Director Geeta Devi, and Manoj Negi shared insights into institutional development and  progress. 

Addressing Delegates from Maldives on India’s Community Radio Landscape

(In Picture: Ms. Pooja. O. Murada with the Maldives delegates.)

Ms. Pooja. O. Murada, principal lead, Outreach for Development, was invited to address a delegation from Maldives to share about community radio and its policy in India. The meeting was hosted by the National Academy of Broadcasting and Multimedia (NIBM), New Delhi. A group of twenty senior officers from the Government of Maldives spent time in India to understand various policies related to Information and Broadcasting in India to advance their knowledge and experience. 

Technical Training for Farmers on Tomato and Ragi Package of Practices

(In Picture: Farmers of Cholangunte, Kolar, with S M Sehgal Foundation team.)

A technical training was conducted under a CSR project for the farmers of Cholangunte, Kolar, Karnataka, on the Tomato and Ragi Package of Practices—Experts included Dr. Sadanad Mushrf, Shri Murali, and Shri Murgesh, from the horticulture department, Mulabagal, who talked about pest management, intercropping, and the scientific method of tomato cultivation. The session ended with distributing Package of Practices (PoP) kits to the beneficiaries.

Youth Day Celebration

On the occasion of International Youth Day, a youth conference on “Participation of youth and their responsibilities for sustainable rural development” was organized under the Uttam Gram initiative at Phulumbri block, Aurangabad, Maharashtra.

Rajendra Desale, deputy CEO, Water & Sanitation Department, Zilla Parishad Aurangabad; and Rajesh Mahajan Taluka, education officer, were among the many notable attendees.

(In Picture: The students of College of Agriculture and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University's College of Social Work.)

(In Picture: S M Sehgal Foundation team, Gurugram hoisting the national flag of India.)

Independence Day Celebration

In the spirit of patriotism and unity, the S M Sehgal Foundation team came together on India's 76th Independence Day in 2023. The event was a reminder that while we celebrate our freedom, we also acknowledge the responsibilities that come with it. We celebrated our nation’s journey toward freedom and progress with pride and gratitude.

Postcards from Interns Abroad

“I had the pleasure of researching and learning in depth about the foundation’s history by reading publications and newsletters, which I compiled into an engaging and concise comic script for a general audience. A special thank you to Pooja O. Murada, Ma’am, for working with me to shape this project. This rewarding internship with S M Sehgal Foundation strengthened my interest and previous experience in the NGO sector and academic interest in subjects revolving around international development.”

—Anagha Chakravarti, Rising Junior, Georgetown University

“My internship at S M Sehgal Foundation was a unique opportunity to learn about development challenges and NGO work in my country of origin, and expand my interest in philanthropy and fundraising. The work atmosphere was always very open and welcoming. I gained valuable guidance from my mentor, Sam Kapoor, and other foundation members while also being able to share and implement my ideas. My family and I are eager to be in touch with the foundation's incredible work around rural India and support in any way we can move forward.”

—Priyasha Chakravarti, Rising Junior, Georgetown University

Training and Workshop Sessions


(In Picture: Participants in DWQT training at  Addategala, Andhra Pradesh.)

Drinking Water Quality Testing Training

S M Sehgal Foundation conducted a four-day training workshop on "Drinking Water Quality Testing" in Addategala, Andhra Pradesh, delivered by  S M Sehgal Foundation  in collaboration with  CAWST 

for Laya Foundation. A team of young individuals from tribal communities enthusiastically volunteered to gain practical experience by testing the drinking water quality. The workshop included informative sessions accompanied by hands-on practice covering various aspects of water quality parameters. Additionally, open discussions and real-life scenarios were included to enrich the learning experience.

Drinking Water Quality Testing Workshop

To address the critical issue of lack of WASH practice, S M Sehgal Foundation, India, in partnership with CAWST, Canada, is hosting a four-day training workshop in September on Drinking Water Quality and Testing (DWQT). This workshop is an opportunity that offers valuable insights and expertise to the practitioner interested in conducting drinking water quality testing as part of the implementation, monitoring, or evaluation of household water treatment and safe storage (HWTS) projects or small community water supply systems in developing countries. Read more..

Rainwater Harvesting Training

S M Sehgal Foundation in collaboration with National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR) is conducting a training about rainwater harvesting (RWH) systems—the theory, practice, and policy. The course will share knowledge and holistic perspectives on rainwater harvesting and provide opportunity for hands-on planning for RWH systems in households, institutions, villages, and colony levels. RWH systems help in creating decentralized and sustainable sources of water supply and improve water availability. Read more..


SMSF Connect Podcast features innovative programs about rural development and other social issues and themes. TUNE IN to our podcast channel on I-RadioLive. Podcasts are also available on Spotify.

Editorial Team: Marly Cornell, Pooja O. Murada, Priya Chaudhary

Contributors: S M Sehgal Foundation team

Photo Credits: S M Sehgal Foundation 

Design and Production: Outreach for Development team

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